Health News Tribune

4 Different Types of Pet Medication

Different Types of Pet Medication

Your little furry friends every now and then need to look after their health too. Pet Medication is the ultimate solution to keep your cuddle buddy from getting sick. The question is what kind of treatments are out there? There are four kinds of pharmaceutical treatments your dog or cat could get ranging from antibiotics, hormones, steroids, and pain relief. All of which serve a different purpose for your domestic animals health, ranging from alleviating soreness, controlling hormones, preventing viruses and improving their inflammatory response. It is highly important to consult with your vet and look at the label to understand any side effects and the recommended use. In this article, we are going to get into it and see what kind of pet medication you can get for your furry little friend.


Antibiotics is a form of pet medication that works to kill off microbes, such as bacteria and yeast, from the body. They don’t cure a virus but they help get rid of major viral symptoms. It helps to treat bacterial infections that happen from a virus your cat or dog developed. Examples of antibiotics include penicillin, enrofloxacin, and many more. With all these examples, it is no wonder why people are turning to purchase pet medication online for all their needs. It is highly essential to remember to get advice from your vet and to look at the label in case of any precautions and for the right dosage. You don’t want to bark up the wrong tree with your pet medication usage!

Pain Relievers

Pain relief pet medication works to provide comfort to those suffering from soreness. For instance, pain aiding treatments predominately used for your furry friend include butorphanol, fentanyl, and oxycodone. It is important to make sure that your domestic animal is being monitored by its owner as it can be an addiction for patients to use.


Hormones work to treat a range of conditions such as thyroid problems and diabetes. For instance, insulin is used to treat diabetes patients, stabilising blood sugar levels. Levothyroxine or Methimazole for problematic thyroid conditions is the pet medication that is used.


Steroids have an anti-inflammatory response when used and are predominately used to alleviate symptoms of allergic and/or anaphylactic situations. Examples include prednisone and dexamethasone. It is highly important to only use it for a maximum of 7 days as it can cause adverse reactions to the skin after long term use.

There are many kinds of pet medication that all work for a variety of health conditions for your little furry friend. Ranging from steroids, antibiotics, hormone medications, and pain relievers, there is the right treatment for your dog or cat. It is highly important to make sure you have advice from your local vet in order to determine the right treatment, dosage, and make aware of any side effects. Don’t make your dog or cat howl in pain. Pet medication is the best solution to keep your furry friend safe from illness and prevent further symptoms.

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