Health News Tribune

How Roger Olade is bringing his patients back to health, and getting them fit at the same time

Roger Olade

We sat down with Dr Roger Olade, a physician based in Houston, Texas who started his own wellness center, a one stop shop for health and wellness. A one-of-a-kind idea, we had to have a discussion with him about his efforts.

Hi Roger, what’s your background, and how did it lead to Lifestyle 360 Fitness?

My background is in healthcare and I believe in propagating wellness is the most judicious way to achieve total health.

Lifestyle 360 Health & Fitness Center is established on the platform of total health with emphasis on the Nutrition, Fitness, Medical Support and Stress Management.

Being a physician who is passionate about my patients and their health, I figured starting Lifestyle 360 would be a good way to get people healthy. As the name alludes, it is an all around and comprehensive attempt to change lifestyle in order to achieve our health goals.

How did you first discover your passion for wellness?

I have always had a passion for wellness because I am a physician that believes in preventing illnesses rather than managing diseases. The concept of wellness is so transformative and illuminating to my patients.

What kinds of people are usually attracted to your fitness centre?

Our center usually draws people that believe in our philosophy of attaining health, people that are willing to focus on preventing diseases and managing the current health issues with the tools we make available. Determined people with a healthy goal in mind are attracted to us.

What kind of services do you offer for your members?

All types of Fitness activities, from Group Fitness Classes like Dance fitness, HIIT classes, indoor cycling etc,  We also offer personal training, nutrition counselling, medical evaluation and wellness coaching. All that is needed to be healthy.

You also offer some medical and stress management services, can you let us know more about them?

Our medical services include specialized medical evaluation, blood tests, scans etc.

We believe stress is a major part, so we have wellness coaches and psychologists that are trained to assist our clients with stress management.

What do you think makes your center stand out?

We are very unique in our array of facilities and combination of our services. We really are a one stop shop for all that is required to stay healthy. We have been able to provide the essential services required for overall healthiness for all of our clients.  We literally nurse our clients back to health with this center, and they do not need to go anywhere else.

Than you Roger for your time!
You can follow up with Roger Olade at


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