Health News Tribune

How to fit in self-care when you are a mum

How to fit in self-care when you are a mum

Becoming a mum is often the hardest and most rewarding things that anyone will go through. A mum will feel so honoured that they got to bring life into the world, but they will also feel sleep deprived and sometimes like they don’t own their body anymore. They will feel like they have gone from a functional adult to a complete mess and can sometimes even feel guilty for feeling this way. The good news is that parents a not alone in this. There are plenty of mums out there who feel like they are doing a bad job when really they are doing great. Of the most important things that new mums (or any mums for that matter) can do for themselves is implement a self-care practice. This can look a little different for everyone but is incredibly important for health, to set a good example, and to reduce stress levels. Having a self-care practice will mean that mums can be the best version of themselves possible and can have more fun with their babies. While this is all well and good, most parents out there struggle to find the time to do this. For this reason, this post will look at some quick tips for fitting in self-care when you are a busy mum.

Organise a regular baby sitter

Most mums out there will feel guilty for organising a baby sitter, especially when their baby is young. But there is certainly nothing to feel guilty about as parents can have more to give when they are replenished themselves. Mums don’t have to organise a traditional baby sitter either. They can have a friend or family member come over once a week so they can watch the baby in-between breast feeding times. This way mums can have a long and hot bath and can even listen to their favourite music if they want to. As a baby gets older a proper baby sitter can be hired to come once a week or fortnight so that mums and dads can have a much needed night out together. Once again, this doesn’t have to be a baby sitter, it could be a parent or a sibling coming over to take care of the baby. Whatever is organised, it is important to do so on a regular basis so that parents can squeeze in their self care.

Practice self-care with your kids

There are many families out there that will meditate together, participate in yoga together, and will have a daily gratitude practice together. This way, mums can sneak their daily self-care in and their kids can also get the benefits. It can sometimes be more fun when the whole family gets involved and will often create a ripple effect on other people too. At the end of the day, there is always going to be things that could be done. It is important to remember that there is always another day and not everything has to get done in one day.

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