Professor Kevin Dalby

Professor Kevin Dalby Explains Why Viruses Mutate

Viruses are all around us. As Dr. Kevin Dalby explains, humans can coexist with some of these viruses without any harm being done, while others can have catastrophic effects on the human... Read more »
Christopher Roberts

Christopher Roberts explains the difference between happiness and excitement

Everyone wants to be happy, and everyone feels excited from time to time – but what’s the difference between the two feelings? Successful life coach Christopher Roberts from Dream Big Global believes... Read more »
Common weight loss excuses and how to overcome them

Common weight loss excuses and how to overcome them

All human beings make excuses when we don’t really want to do something. Excuses are an effective way to rationalise not doing something in your own mind, even when nobody else is... Read more »
sensitive teeth

8 foods you should avoid if you have sensitive teeth

Sensitive teeth is far more common of an issue than people think with large segments of the population reporting pain in their teeth when consuming certain types of foods and drinks. Young... Read more »
Weird Fitness Trends

Weird Fitness Trends

There have been a lot of different trends when it comes to fitness. Whether it be the devices you see on TV or some diet your friend has told you about over... Read more »
How women can feel more confident in their bodies

How women can feel more confident in their bodies

With so many different advertisements with images of the perfect body surroundings us, it is no wonder that the majority of women don’t feel at ease in their own skin. We can... Read more »
How to make the right life career choice

How to make the right life career choice

The innocent childhood question of “what do you want to do when you grow up?” is something that everyone wrestles with; sometimes well into adulthood and middle age. Deciding on a life-long... Read more »
dentist lie

5 lies that your dentist isn’t buying

Everyone tends to stretch the truth just a little bit when they visit the dentist. Whether it’s out of embarrassment for not taking care of our teeth well enough or because we... Read more »
4 of the biggest weight loss myths: debunked!

4 of the biggest weight loss myths: debunked!

Weight loss is one of the most heavily studied areas of self-improvement and as a result there are a plethora of myths and misunderstandings surrounding it. These myths are not simply harmless... Read more »
How yoga can help men with their flexibility

How yoga can help men with their flexibility

It is not uncommon to hear people say that men are stronger than women and that women are more flexible than men. But with gender roles slowly dissolving in this day and... Read more »