varicose veins

Is vertical veins removal purely cosmetic?

What is a vein? They are blood vessels that carry blood back towards the heart, after the oxygen carried in the blood stream through arteries has been depleted. The blood vessel walls... Read more »
Kerryn Sawyer

Kerryn Sawyer Takes A Plant-Based Approach To Wellbeing

Modern plant-based diet advocacy often revolves around making food as appealing as possible to swing voters. That is to say that the more the plants are disguised in the dish, the more... Read more »
Common weight loss excuses and how to overcome them

Common weight loss excuses and how to overcome them

All human beings make excuses when we don’t really want to do something. Excuses are an effective way to rationalise not doing something in your own mind, even when nobody else is... Read more »
4 of the biggest weight loss myths: debunked!

4 of the biggest weight loss myths: debunked!

Weight loss is one of the most heavily studied areas of self-improvement and as a result there are a plethora of myths and misunderstandings surrounding it. These myths are not simply harmless... Read more »
Body types explained: which shape are you?

Body types explained: which shape are you?

Human beings come in all different shapes and sizes, but medical experts have managed to outline the most common body shapes that people inhabit. This information helps doctors and patients understand certain... Read more »
A brief guide to keeping your weight loss journal

A brief guide to keeping your weight loss journal

For most of us, long-term weight loss success is mainly about making small, progressive changes to your daily eating and activity habits. To help keep track of and review those changes, a... Read more »

Bad eating habits are expensive for Canadians

Poor eating habits cost Canadians $13.8 billion each year, according to a study conducted by a researcher at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. These direct and indirect health system costs come... Read more »