Health News Tribune

Importance of Synthetic Data in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is ambitious and immensely beneficial for the advancement of humankind. In a space like healthcare, especially, artificial intelligence is bringing about remarkable changes in the ways we approach the diagnosis of diseases, their treatments, patient care, and patient monitoring. Not to forget the research and development involved in the development of new drugs, newer ways to discover concerns and underlying conditions, and more.

However, this is not without its fair share of bottlenecks. For an AI model to be accurate and serve its purpose, it has to consistently get trained. For this, it needs tons of AI training data and this is where problems actually start.

There isn’t much training data available as such. From the outlook, it might appear that there are mammoth volumes of data available in the form of MRI and CT scans, reports, EHRs, X-Rays, clinical trials, and a host of other unstructured data sources, the required number of datasets to train AI models always falls short.

An AI model only gets better with training and in a sector like healthcare, where precision is the only factor that stands between the life and death of an individual, rigorous AI training is the only way to roll out reliable AI models and systems.

This is exactly where synthetic data comes in. What is it? Well, we’ll explore this in detail in today’s post.

What Is Synthetic Data?

As the name suggests, synthetic refers to synthesized – something which is not naturally occurring. Synthetic data is data that is generated by computers. This is not available in surveys, forms, reports, or datasets from computer vision but is completely auto-generated.

However, it is important to understand that these synthetic datasets stem from real-world datasets and are based on their observations and inferences.

These artificially synthesized data have the following characteristics:

The onset of synthetic data is probably one of the coolest aspects of the AI revolution in healthcare.

The prominence of synthetic data is fast growing in the healthcare spectrum. Even healthcare experts and industry veterans and leaders estimate that in the next three or five years, robotic surgery will become mainstream thanks to the precision AI robots will have developed due to synthetic data. Furthermore, within a decade, such advanced robots will be deployed in mainstream healthcare centers and hospitals to perform autonomous surgeries.

For all this to happen, CXOs should make a note of synthetic data today. The seeds for tomorrow’s advancements have to be sowed today and that’s why they should work on budgeting and channelizing revenues to develop synthetic data sources for their products, devices, or models.

Use Cases and Benefits of Synthetic Data

Apart from solving the demand-supply gap in the availability of quality datasets, synthetic data solves real-world concerns in fascinating ways. Here’s a quick list to give you a quick idea of some of its use cases and benefits.

Wrapping Up

We know this sounds great and quite honestly, too good to be true as well. Like any evolving entity, synthetic data faces some challenges that need to be resolved. For starters, let’s understand that synthetic data is reliant on real-world data. This means the quality of the mimicked dataset is directly proportional to its source, which also means that any inherent bias would be present in synthetic data as well.

Also, this is a new and upcoming concept. So, a lot of industry insiders wouldn’t still be open to the option of training their models with synthetic data and would rather wait till they get hands-on with real-world data. Lastly, generating synthetic data also involves time, effort and money.

It would be interesting to see what breakthroughs in this space could happen, taking the reach of synthetic data and the understanding of it to the masses.

What do you think?

Author Bio

Vatsal Ghiya is a serial entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in healthcare AI software and services. He is the CEO and co-founder of Shaip, which enables the on-demand scaling of our platform, processes, and people for companies with the most demanding machine learning and artificial intelligence initiatives.


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