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Does CBD Help With Pain Management?

Does CBD Help With Pain Management

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, has seen a popularity surge for people who are looking to find a safe and natural way to relieve pain from various conditions. However, is it worth all the hype?

The first thing you should bear in mind is that there are not a lot of currently published clinical trials on CBD for pain. But CBD, which is an active compound found in the cannabis plant, does act on the body’s endocannabinoid system and can play a role in processes involving appetite, memory, and pain. Simply put, the evidence around the use of CBD for pain management is not much.

However, some studies have shown that CBD can be well tolerated by the body to relieve pain and inflammation with very few side effects. Countries like the UK and Canada have approved the use of CBD for multiple sclerosis, cancer pain, arthritis, and pain from fibromyalgia. Below are some ways CBD can be used to help with pain management.

For chronic pain

Studies have shown that CBD combined with low concentrations of THC can help with relieving long-lasting pain from certain chronic conditions. Sativex, a CBD spray with equal parts CBD and THC has shown promise as an analgesic for pain related to cancer. Some studies also showed that the use of this spray for treating pain related to multiple sclerosis proved successful. More trials are currently being conducted in the US for its approval and use.

For neuropathic pain

Nerve damage from certain conditions or injuries can cause neuropathic pain, which can either manifest as; tingling, muscle weakness, numbness, or sharp, burning, and stabbing pains. Several countries have also approved the use of CBD for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS), which is one of the most common causes of neuropathic pain. The topical application of CBD products like CBD oils and tinctures has also shown some success in the treatment of patients with peripheral neuropathy.

For inflammation

CBD can act as an antioxidant and help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. It also helps to prevent the reduction of microelements such as zinc and selenium, which may also decrease inflammation.

For arthritis and joint pains

Since CBD also works as an analgesic for other conditions, it shows promise as an anti-inflammatory. In a 2018 study, researchers tested the effects of applying CBD gel topically on patients with osteoarthritis pain over a period of 12 weeks, and when the average weekly worst-pain score of the participants was compared to those that used the placebo, it showed that those who used the CBD daily experienced significant relief. Also, some trials suggest that a combination of CBD and THC may also prove beneficial for treating fibromyalgia-related pain.

Some other benefits of using CBD for pain management include;

An array of products: Because CBD products come in many forms, there are several options for you to use them. From pills and tinctures to oils, vapes, and edibles such as cereals, gummies, and cookies that you can get from reliable outlets like Herbal Spice.

It is easily available: Access to CBD products has never been so easy. You can now get CBD products in health stores, medical offices, dispensaries, and online. Not only is it readily available, but it is also often more affordable than other options for pain management.


Although CBD has not been officially approved by the FDA as a treatment for pain management, it has shown promise in managing certain forms of pain. Also, bear in mind that CBD might not be for everyone, so if you experience side effects like fatigue, nausea, irritability, reduced appetite, and any other symptoms, you should discontinue its use. Also, talk to your doctor before using CBD with any other prescription meds for pain management.

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