Health News Tribune

How to Get Cheaper Pet Medications in 2022

How to Get Cheaper Pet Medications in 2022

If you’re anything like us, your pet means the world to you. They’re a part of the family, and you want to keep them healthy and lively for as long as possible.

Unfortunately, that can be pretty difficult sometimes. Especially if you’re on a tight budget.

The cost of pet meds can be downright ridiculous. Basic flea medications, allergy relief products, and more can cost quite a bit, and medications used to treat serious illnesses can cost as much as your electric bill sometimes.

This pricing model is downright predatory, but there is a way to stop supporting it and save a few bucks; all while giving your pet the highest quality of life possible.

Let’s get into it.

Order from Canadian Pharmacies

You might not think about it since many US pharmacies don’t carry pet medications unless they’re prescribed by a vet or commonly needed for livestock, but you can find various pet medications for all kinds of purposes at an online Canadian pharmacy.

These products are far cheaper than the pet medications you purchase in the US, but they’re exactly the same brands, and they are made to the same quality standards. We even offer generic options and some of our own Canadian brands for non-prescription pet meds that you may be interested in.

What Type of Pet Medications Can You Buy At A Canadian Online Pharmacy?

When you buy your pet medications from a Canadian online pharmacy, you’re not just limited to whatever your veterinarian prescribes. You can choose from a wide range of products, and they’re all cheaper than what you’ll pay via traditional means.

Prescription Meds

If your pet needs prescription meds, you can get their prescription filled with an online Canadian pharmacy.

This is cheaper, and it gives you a bit of flexibility by allowing you to choose between name-brand and generic options. We can fill any pet prescription your veterinarian gives you. So, you never have to worry about our online pharmacy not carrying what your pet needs.

Over-the-Counter Meds

Prescription meds aren’t the only things you’ll find at an online Canadian pharmacy. You can also purchase over-the-counter pet meds at dramatically lower prices.

Are you turned off by the high cost of deworming medicine in the US? We have over-the-counter options available from both US and Canadian brands that are cheaper than anything you’ll find on your local store shelves. They’re also made to the same quality standards; so you can rest assured that your pet’s safety and health are in good hands.

How Do You Get Medications from Online Canadian Pharmacies?

Getting your pet’s medications from online Canadian pharmacies is an easy process.

First, you’ll have to choose a pharmacy you can trust to provide a stellar experience. We recommend this one.

Once you’ve found a pharmacy you like, there are two different routes you can take.


Once you’ve got the products in your cart, simply pay for the transaction and wait for them to arrive at your door!

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