Fighting the allergies in allergy season

When the seasons change the allergies tend to kick up a fuss leaving those affected sneezing regularly and with itchy eyes and ears. Knowing how to deal with your allergies is extremely helpful in allowing you to continue to live life as you would otherwise.

How can I tell if its allergies or illness?

The length of time that you feel like your nose is congested or eyes are itchy tends to be a key indicator as to whether it was allergies or a cold. Allergies tend to last a number of weeks whereas a cold may only a last a few days and will likely come with a fever of sorts.

The colour of the mucus that comes out of your nose can also be a pretty good indicator as to whether you have a cold or it is simply allergies. The thicker the discharge, the more likely you have a cold and this is going to be associated with yellow or green colour. Ultimately, allergies will be associated with itchiness, rashes and tiredness whereas a cold will be associated with thicker nasal discharge, aching and a fever.

If at any stage you feel like your wellbeing is deteriorating, that is a good time to go and see a doctor. Whilst it may still only be allergies, you may need a more powerful medicine than those bought over the counter in order to overcome the allergies.

Are allergies preventable?

There is no way of preventing your seasonal allergies from kicking it but there are plenty of ways to manage them so that they have a smaller impact on your day to day life. Here a few steps to take to best manage your seasonal allergies:

  • Begin a routine nasal spray daily a few weeks out from the pollen season to ensure your nasal passages are healthy and continue this through the first few weeks of the season.
  • Avoid spending excessive amounts of time outside during peak pollen periods.
  • Install air filters into your air-conditioning vents to reduce the amount of pollen and dust that finds its way into your home.
  • Conduct a nasal irrigation every week during peak pollen season as well as the nasal spray to completely clean out your nasal passages.
  • Take antihistamines as necessary as this will help to reduce itching and irritation.

Staying on top of your allergies is the most effective way to manage them. This means forming a routine to look after your nose and eyes so that they can remain healthy and functional through allergy season. If you find that you are regularly unable to manage your symptoms, it might be a good idea to visit your GP who may prescribe you with some more powerful medications to help you deal with the symptoms.

Sometimes, however, it may simply be a case of trying different over-the-counter medicines until you are able to find the one that works best for you. Allergy season can be a tough one to navigate, doing everything you can to prepare and treat your body in advance is highly recommended.

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