Makeup Types

Makeup Types

Everyone knows that makeup is one of the big things on the beauty list but some people don’t realise which types of makeup are the most important must have. This is an... Read more »
Easy ways to improve breast health

Easy ways to improve breast health

What most women have in common is the fact that they have breasts. They come in all shapes and sizes (and some will have them removed) but the fact remains that they... Read more »
Being a better patient and getting more from your consultations

Being a better patient and getting more from your consultations

Do you ever feel like you might not have gotten everything out of your consultation that you wanted? Maybe you didn’t ask that question you had been thinking about or didn’t get... Read more »
What is the meaning of the Glycaemic Index?

What is the meaning of the Glycaemic Index?

Glycaemic Index used to be a term only recognised by health professionals and diabetics. Now the term, or more specifically “GI”, is used throughout the food industry on packaging and in advertisements... Read more »
foods to avoid

6 surprising foods to avoid for better dental health

While it’s obvious that many foods and drinks aren’t good for your teeth, such as soft drink or lollies, there are some less obvious foods that dentists will still avoid. While some... Read more »
3 ways to break your phone addiction and get back to life

3 ways to break your phone addiction and get back to life

The fact that we are living in a highly interconnected world of smartphone addicted and easily distracted people is now old news. At this point you have undoubtedly seen countless articles citing... Read more »
chronic disease

Prevention beats prescription

In Australia, over 70% of deaths come as a result of chronic diseases. What makes this statistic even more concerning is the fact that the majority of these diseases – diabetes, cardiovascular... Read more »
Facts About Fitness

Facts About Fitness

It’s well known that clearly fitness is one of the most essential things in your life, it helps your body stay healthy along with making it more tolerable to outside interference but... Read more »
How men can take care of their prostate

How men can take care of their prostate

For many men out there, they will avoid the topic of prostate health like the plague. There are many reasons for this but some believe it is because men are taught as... Read more »
dental myths

Debunking the top 6 dental myths

When it comes to taking care of your teeth and gums, there are a whole heap of unhelpful and downright harmful myths and misconceptions out there. While good oral hygiene can be... Read more »