How to fit exercise into your daily life when you are a busy dad

How to fit exercise into your daily life when you are a busy dad

There are plenty of busy dads out there who are trying to find a balance in their life and who are juggling many important areas. For example, they will want to do... Read more »
How men can take care of their prostate

How men can take care of their prostate

For many men out there, they will avoid the topic of prostate health like the plague. There are many reasons for this but some believe it is because men are taught as... Read more »
How men can avoid heart disease

How men can avoid heart disease

There are many men out there who will be wanting to learn about how they can avoid heart disease. This is because heart disease is the number one cause of death for... Read more »
Mental health awareness for men

Mental health awareness for men

While there is a lot of change happening in modern times when it comes to gender equality, many people may not know that there are still many men out there who are... Read more »

Health Canada imposes the addition of a prescription opioid warning

Health Canada is preparing to mandate the addition of a warning label on prescription opioids and the provision of an explanatory document to patients. This is the first time the federal government... Read more »

Mega Hospital: Ontario Elections Should Change Nothing for Windsor

The election campaign already unofficially started in Ontario is not expected to have an impact on decisions already made, even if they are unpopular. That’s the assurance given Thursday by Windsor Regional... Read more »

Opioids: more money to fight addictions in the Northeast

The province of Ontario is investing an additional $1.6 million in the region to provide rapid care for those suffering from opioid and alcohol dependence. Sudbury, Algoma, Cochrane and Nipissing addiction treatment... Read more »